Oroast - Coffee Products אורוסט ציוד קפה
Industrial air filter for climatic devices
Industrial air filter for climatic devices
Afterburner -
Advantages compared with electrostatic precipitator
1) Filter the air from the coffee cola and from the cooling tray, dramatically reducing emissions of chaff, volatile organic compounds, odors, dust and products of combustion.
2) Removes particles from the exhaust air, neutralizes odors and reduces the emitted smoke by 90% using the energy of the cyclone plus the splash of water particles.
3) The self-cleaning system recycles its water and requires less than 5 minutes of daily maintenance.
4) Improves the airflow of the cola which leads to better control of the coffee roasting process.
5) Suitable for any cola coffee. It can be used after the cyclone or instead of a cyclone (it can replace the cyclone).
6) Safer to use - no precipitation accumulates inside the cyclone = nothing that can burn.
There is no danger of fire: the chaff cartridge and cyclone remain clean
There is no danger of injury - the chaff cartridge and cyclone are not too hot to the touch.
No need to stack in grade A-insulated or kept throughout a cyclone.
Reduces damage from a fire inside the drum and maintains a moderate temperature which reduces the risk of personal injury.
The basic function of an afterburner is to remove unwanted emissions and odors from a manufacturing operation.
Coffee roasting produces dark and smoky emissions with a variety of pollutants, many of which – such as VOCs, CO2, NOx, and CO – harm the environment. As a result, these pollutants need proper treatment. Sometimes, these odors can negatively impact coffee roasters and neighboring businesses, which can result in coffee roasters closures due to violations of by-laws and local and state regulations.
An effective afterburner oxidizes the waste gases from roasting – using the combustion process to generate a much cleaner emission. In summary, an afterburner is a pollution control device that allows roasters to comply with environmental regulations without sacrificing the quality of their roast.